Building Physics

Customised energy solutions for your property

Conserving resources and saving energy are sometimes the most important issues when it comes to planning and realising new construction projects.

With the help of our energy consulting services, we can offer you a wide range of expertise in these areas. Regardless of whether you are planning a small conversion or a site development, we will be happy to help you with our many years of experience in the conceptualisation and verification of energy-related measures.

We always endeavour to find the optimum balance between ecology and economy for your project. Naturally always in accordance with the official and cantonal requirements.

We work in a project-oriented manner to plan the thermal insulation of your building in the most energy-optimised, cost-effective and aesthetic way possible.

The energy-related weak points in the building envelope must also be carefully analysed in order to avoid structural damage later on. The influence of thermal bridges is also increasing, particularly because the demands on thermal insulation are becoming ever more stringent. These weak points can be analysed and assessed using 2D and 3D isotherm calculations. These calculation tools are indispensable, especially for refurbishment projects and special solutions.

Our competences in detail:

  • Official verifications (SIA 380/1 and SIA181)
  • Energy verification in accordance with SIA 380/1 (individual component or system verification), including colour representation of the various energy-emitting surfaces, U-value calculations, component catalogue with construction structures in report form and the EN, EN-1, EN-2 forms
  • Renewable energy requirements, proof of cantonal requirements, energy law
  • Minergie, Minergie-P, Minergie-ECO
  • Consultancy and application for possible subsidies
  • Building acceptance, private inspection, occupancy licence

Energy consulting / project support

  • Creation of thermal protection, energy and insulation concepts, pre-dimensioning of energy measures for planning security, construction structures
  • Verification and advice on winter and summer thermal insulation
  • Execution inspections for thermal insulation
  • Thermography/thermal imaging camera (need for renovation, quality assurance)
  • Air tightness measurements (blower door)
  • Air flow measurements

Thermal bridge analysis / building protection / building damage analysis

  • Isotherm calculations, 2D and 3D simulation
  • Verification and advice on moisture protection
  • Temperature and moisture measurements
  • Building damage analysis, on-site analysis